Sunday, March 30, 2008

I have a confession to make...

I am a blog stalker.

Let me please explain the reasons why though, and maybe you can understand this weird new addiction of mine.

I am new to the world of blogging, and I don’t know if any of you seasoned bloggers remember what it was like to be green like I am, but it is really exciting! There is a whole world out there that I was only vaguely aware of before…and all of a sudden I am a part of it!

So, in an attempt to actively participate in this fun new world I tend to check my friends' blogs way too often. I know that there are no updates, but I just have to check. It doesn’t make sense, and I know it is entirely impulsive, but I just have to do it. I think it all started when I was visiting my friends’ blogs in order to get formatting ideas for my own, but it has become far more than an innocent pastime now…it is an addiction. My only problem is that I only know a handful of my friends’ blogs and so I check them far oftener (great word huh) than can be healthy. If you would like to be blog stalked by me please just give me your blog address and I would be happy to add you to my stalking list.

Now, I was informed by a wise friend today that you can actually outsource your blog stalking to Google Reader which will notify you if there are any updates on the blogs you ask them to stalk for you. (Amazing…Google sees a need and invariably they fill it).

As of now though, I still find blog stalking way too much fun and prefer to do it myself. It is kind of like when you first learn to drive and you think every errand is super exciting no matter how routine and boring it really is just because you are behind the wheel. Like driving I imagine that manual blog stalking could get old. I hope it doesn’t, but it is a possibility. If it happens I will be grateful to turn my blog stalking over to the professionals at Google Reader. But until then…just know…I’m watching you…I mean your blog…in a totally non-creepy way (I think).

1 comment:

Lizardbreath McGee said...

I know. It's a sickness, but one that's rather flattering to those you're stalking.


Keep on doing it.

Because the bloggers whose blogs you stalk are also stalking readers via sitemeters and such.

It's such an underhanded world.