Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stella is Back!!!

Stella is officially done hibernating! After the longest winter ever she and I have been reunited and had a lovely ride ’round the neighborhood this afternoon. (By the way for those of you who don’t know Stella, she is my trusty steed, otherwise known as my bicycle. Oh…and I love her).

After removing her from the bike cage where she has been wintering I dusted her off, filled up her tires, and away we went…two old friends together again. It was a lovely (though rather windy) day and we went out exploring several of the cute old neighborhoods in Brookline Village. The houses were lovely, the sunshine was lovely, and overall the ride was lovely (although biking up the hill to my house into the wind almost kicked my trash). Wow…I’m saying lovely a lot. But it was!

Though I don’t have enough time to write a complete history of our relationship, just know that it all began one chilly Florida February when I, as a new missionary, first laid eyes on what would become my traveling companion for these many years. We have seen it all together and it has been a fun ride! Stella…here’s to you and all that you have done and continue to do for me...I love you!

p.s. I am really excited to bike around Boston again. If possible, it is even more of an adventure than driving!

Me and Stella chillin' in Florida (Notice the
sexy knee-highs showing...I was such a dork!)

1 comment:

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Yay! Sisters on bikes!

I'm actually really kind of glad I never had to do that.

We sure walked a lot, though...