Tuesday, April 29, 2008


* Umbrellas are kind of amazing. I don't mean the concept of them or anything...I mean the super-foldy, mess-of-metal complicated umbrellas. I think that whoever came up with them was a genius and I'm glad that they did. (By the way my umbrella has a lifetime guarantee. Pretty amazing huh? I just found it wrapped around one of the wires today. So...as long as I don't lose the umbrella, I'm set for life!)

* My bangs are at that really frustrating stage right now where they are almost long enough to actually stay off to the side but not quite and I'm feeling pressure to make a decision. Should I cut them so that they are out of my way again even though they sometimes look really funny and I can't pin them back as easily? Or should I just push through and let them grow to be longer so they will stay behind my ear?...such a hard choice...

* I kind of miss the ipod adds on the train. While I was gone they replaced them with NesQuik adds, which are kind of ugly. It really did shock me when the train pulled up to take me to work and there, pasted on the side was a different picture. Weird how you get used to things being a certain way...

* I am glad that I usually culture my monolayer cells in plates instead of flasks. It saves SO much time! (and supplies, cause you don't go through as many pipets when you use plates).

* Procrastinating washing my laundry makes me more creative because I have to put together clothes that are from the deepest, rarely-worn, probably-have-been-considered-for-the-Goodwill-pile-at-some-point, part of my closet. So, if in these next few days I seem to be wearing unflattering or just downright ugly clothes, you now know why.

* Ummm...so I'm pretty sure I need to learn how to hold my tongue. Lots of times I tend to share thoughts and opinions as I'm still forming them and I don't think that is usually a good thing. I should probably work on that.

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