Monday, March 17, 2008


Events of this week have reconfirmed to me that people in general really are nice. Most everyone is willing to help you out, say something kind, or at least smile when you need it—and each of those nice things really do make a difference (especially when you are miserable on the inside). Every once in a while all of us can get a bit crabby or unpleasant to be around, but deep down I really think everyone is nice. Now, I know that there are people out there that may seem like they are unpleasant all of the time, but I’ve found that if you pay close attention, these people show little sparks of niceness too (and they probably wish that they knew how to be nice all the time). Being the recipient of so much niceness this week has made me more aware of how important it is for me to be nice to everyone, cause you never know who really needs it. So, thanks all you people out there who have been, and continue to be so nice to me. I appreciate it.

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